He then summons Bes for Sadie early and sends him to help as with no human host, Anubis is unable to leave the graveyard and help directly.Īnubis later appears to Sadie's ba, as he's talking to Walt Stone, who doesn't seem to notice her. At the end of the conversation, Anubis kisses Sadie and wishes her a happy birthday. He gives Sadie information about the second piece of the Book of Ra and a Netjeri blade.

He later calls his time with Sadie "stimulating" and Sadie is annoyed as he'd commented to her mother that she has a "sharp tongue."Īnubis appears in a London graveyard south of the Canary Wharf station and talks to Sadie while Babi and Nekhbet are trying to find (kill) Sadie and her friends. When Sadie touched Julius Kane/ Osiris' tomb inside of the Red Pyramid, Anubis appeared to her and warned her against what she was doing though she chose to ignore the warning.Īfter the Battle of the Red Pyramid, Anubis takes Carter and Sadie to the newly repaired Hall of Ma'at, where Julius Kane rules as Osiris. He then transported her and the others to the New Orleans graveyard to continue their journey. Sadie passed the test and Anubis gave her the feather, hinting that he might like to see her again. Anubis eventually gives Sadie the feather of truth, but asks Sadie three questions before doing so: was she ready, would she give her life to save her brother, and would she save the world if it meant giving up their father. He shows Sadie the Hall of Ma'at's New Orleans background, and lets it slip that Set is his father and that the Hall of Ma'at is weakening. He at first refuses to help, and shows dislike towards Carter (mostly because Carter was hosting Horus at that time). While he allows Sadie to see him in his teenage boy form, he appears to have a jackal head to Carter. Sadie is stunned to see that the boy she encountered twice and is attracted to is actually the god Anubis. When Bast, who is with them insults him by calling him a dog, Anubis attacks her in response. Later, when Sadie's ba travels to meet Nut, Anubis again appears, confused by her presence, but lets her go on as Nut wants to see her.Īnubis meets Carter Kane and Sadie (in person this time) when they come into the Land of the Dead to find the Feather of Truth to help defeat Set, who had kidnapped their father Julius in the beginning.

However, he leaves her alone and disappears. Sadie finds him incredibly hot while he is confused by her presence there. When Sadie Kane's ba visits Horus' birthday in her vision, Anubis appears to her though she has no idea who he is. Anubis is also the only deity who is allowed to do the Opening of the Mouth ceremony. At the tomb, the priest could have held the mummy during the Opening of the Mouth ceremony to give the dead person the power to eat, move and breathe. When a corpse was mummified the priests could have worn jackal-headed masks and maybe prayed to Anubis. Later in mythology, however, it does describe him as Set's son.Īnubis may have been one of the most important of Egyptian gods. Nephthys' betrayal played a role in Set's desire to kill Osiris.

Rather than the son of Set, he may be the son of Osiris and Nephthys, the result of the goddess, possibly, tricking Osiris. In early Egyptian mythology, Anubis may have different parentage. Anubis himself is skeptical of this, knowing that he is a "different" child, and is not a warrior. Anubis was born to Nephthys and Set, but was immediately given to Osiris and Isis by Nephthys he claimed that she did not want him to know his father.